Strategies to Help You to Set Goal

You are doing everything right, but still, your career is not shaping the way you imagined and you are unable to pursue your career goal. Setting the SMART goals is also of no help, this is the time to reconsider your goals and approach them differently. Here we are listing three unique strategies that will help you achieve your career goal. 1. The Kylego Exercise (Kylego goal) In this exercise, you visualise the future as if it has already happened. You talk, write or think about the next years as if it’s already taken place. You reflect on your success, narrate your feelings and actions of the goal as if you have achieved them. This exercise is a tremendous motivation and helps in building confidence. For example, a Kylego goal maybe like this: “In the past two years, I have achieved all that I wanted to. I am the VC of this reputed company, all the hard work that I have put in is bearing fruits. My personal life is great. Just a couple of d...