What Your Resume Should Look Like in 2018

Take a step closer to your dream career with a strong resume. You are more than your Resume. Brand yourself with audio, video and traditional text resume.Jobaxy help you get your next dream Job. Video Resume Video Resume is the latest trend in the recruitment industry and the buzz is growing. This is the future and there is no denying about it. It is beneficial in many ways to both, job seekers and employers. If you are looking for a job or a candidate, time is very crucial. This saves a lot of crucial time and eliminates all the initial formalities of calling/scheduling/initial rounds of interviews etc of both the job seekers and employers and we all know Time is Money! Audio Resume Are you camera Shy? Not to worry. You can record your audio resume and also answer our simple predefined questions so that Employers and quickly shortlist you. Text Resume O Yes. We still support text resume for Jobseekers who still wants to follow the traditional way. From three of them video Resume is the new sensation in the recruitment 2018, Resume trends change quickly. Creating a video resume is an excellent way to showcase your personality and communication skills and stand out from the competition.Get the attention of a prospective employer with an eye-popping video resume or video profile.

These guidelines will help you create the perfect video resume.
All the best!


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